If your Brewery or Winery is seeking industry knowledge, let our 33+ years of industry expertise guide you with precise marketing and sales analysis and strategic insights as to where the business is heading. We go behind the numbers to uncover unfilled niches and growth segments that just emerging. BrewPlan is set up to assist in building brands. We use market and beer/wine industry data (IRI, Beer Marketer’s INSIGHTS, Craft Beer INSIGHTS, Brewers Association, Wine Business and DISCUS reporting services) and combine this with consumer research, to identify the best potential beer niches to invest your dollars in.

even if they are in the future.

BrewPlan can develop the Brewery Analysis & Feasibility Study and project the market opportunity, government regulations, risk factors, strength and weaknesses, the management team and the financials of the company
Packaging, Naming, Logos, Displays
BrewPlan can utilize its 40+ years of industry expertise to create packaging, displays,logos and more. Get the complete package when you work with Brewplan
Knowledge and Experience
BrewPlan can develop the Brewery Analysis & Feasibility Study and project the market opportunity, government regulations, risk factors, strength and weaknesses, the management team and the financials of the company
Making You Look Good!
BrewPlan works with its clients to determine which packages have the best potential for success—cans, bottles or draught.
Our Services
BrewPlan can offer your business a complete road to guide you through the process of bring your dreams to fruition.
Branding and Marketing
BrewPlan has access to IRI, A.C. Nielsen, BMI and BA Craft Beer data to determine trends and new segments, before they happen.
Why We Are Different
We believe you deserve the best and that is why we are here. Our team and resources offer that to our clients because we do the research.
We take your name and brand as seriously as we do ours.
We continually do research to bring you the latest trends, the latest market analysis and the economics of the industry.
Safety to us means being safe with your brand, company and your money.
Free First Consultation
Take the first step, pick up the phone and call BrewPlan. We work for you!
Your plan is fluid. It constantly changes. You need to BrewPlan to stay on track and adjust for any unforeseen curves in the road. Our Road Map for your business will give you many options along with solid recommendations on how we would proceed.
Highly Qualified Team
Jon Reynolds
Responsible for strategic planning, new brand launches, and setting up distribution networks for expanding craft breweries. Develop relationships with craft beer wholesalers who were rapidly expanding their craft beer offerings in and across the 10-state Upper Midwest area. Many now have wine and craft spirits as well.
Get In Touch!
We are looking forward to start a project with you!
Making the decision to work with BrewPlan will be the best decision you make for your company!